We use the client-first design system

Client-first is a design framework which, as the name suggests, puts you at the heart of the design process. It also helps site visitors in exactly the ways that matter. Developed by Finsweet - one of the leading Webflow communities - it has become the gold standard in site design.

why should you care?

Client-first is a design system that works for everyone. It helps your business and it helps your site visitors.


Every element on the site will have a name with semantic clarity, everything is ordered into folders to ensure a light, clean HTML structure and there is as little bloat as possible for speed.


We use Rems - not pixels - to size everything. Rems have huge accessibility benefits. Browser font settings and browser zoom each work flawlessly inside a rem-based system.

scalable system

The Client-First design system is there to make things easier. For us and for you. It works on tiny builds through to complex web apps. The element class system makes designing easier.


The element class-system, spacing, site structure and everything relevant to a website build is standardised, allowing for anyone who understands client-first to pick it up.


Everything is documented in great detail and can be found here. That means if you want to maintain the site going forward, you can! Everything is explained in the documentation.

Always current

Finsweet have created a board of community designers who maintain the Client-First design system and they regularly update the system so it always remains as current as possible.