website design

Websites From Outta This World

You only get one first impression. We build stunning and action-oriented web experiences that ensure your site visitors are wowed from the second they land on your site.

Online Funnel

A fluiditi Website Becomes the growth engine of your business

Whatever the nature of your business, whatever the end goal, we'll build you a website optimised to turn visitors into customers.

Bespoke Sites

A website as unique as your business.

No two busineses are identical. We build websites for every conceivable type of business, matching any use-case. Don't settle. Get a purpose built website that does exactly what you need - while giving your brand the stunning aesthetic it deserves.

Get More Leads

Our websites are built to convert. We build online lead magnets, whether it's a one page micro-site or a complex marketing website.

Make more sales

If e-commerce is the goal, we can build you an online store that matches your brand, makes your products look incredible and utlisises tools to boost revenue.

Grow Your Blog

Have something your passionate about and want to monetise it? We'll build you a site that gives you a user dashboard allowing you to plan, write and publish articles.

Increase Footfall

If you've got a physical premises, it's still incredibly important to have an online presence. Let people find you online and let our website convince them to come.

Get More Bookings

Need bums on seats? We'll build you a website with an integrated booking system that showcases why people should visit.

Sell More Event tIckets

A website that does your event justice. We'll match the aesthetic and brand, while making it simple for people to book their place.

Increase Your Membership

Building a community? Want to gate certain features for members only? We can deal with authentication and create stunning members' areas.

Grow Your Traffic

If you're looking to monetise your website, we can help you build an SEO-primed website to showcase your content and display ads clearly but unobtrusively.

And... Action!

Websites that aren't just a pretty face. They convert.

Perception is important, no doubt. You've got to get people 'in the door'. But our websites are aso finely tuned sales funnels, built in a way that guides visitors from a place of curiosity, to taking action. After all, this is the primary objectve.

Don't settle.

fluiditi projects include:

Clean code

All websites are built using semantic HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript. We build lean, efficient websites, meaning fast load times, great for SEO.


Our Content Management System allows you to take the finished website and add to it - without coding - using pre-designed templates.


All websites feature animations and interactions, separating your website from the vast static majority. We help you deliver compelling first impressions.


Most business use a collection of software platforms. We can connect them all to your website to make your business proceses a doddle.


We can streamline your workload by automating lots of small repetitive tasks. Automatic email responses or chat bots as an example.

Lightning Fast

We use lightweight code, compressed lossless images and containerisation to ensure extremely fast load times, minimising your bounce rate.

Fluid Design

Our sites are designed to look incredible, but incredible on any device. All sites use fluid design, so they scale to fit any display.

SEO Optimised

All sites contain semantic HTML, alt-text, meta tags and fast rendering images & graphics, to give you the best foundation for SEO success.

Our process

a typical web design project

Onboarding is where we get to know your business. It's critical to understand who you are, who your customers are, what you offer, what makes you different and to get a feel for the personality of your business. This helps us understand how to represent your brand visually. And, crucially, we want to know what design preferences you have.
Once you've been onboarded, we start by immersing ourselves in your design brief, company profile and scope of work. We'll carry out competitor and industry analysis, a brand audit and start formulating a first draft of a sitemap. We'll start pulling together ideas from design concepts to a proposed sitemap, until we have the blueprint for your website.
Design & Development
This phase is where we go from idea to reality and actually build your website. We'll take everything we've learned from your onboarding and from our own research and weave it into the website's design. We offer a number of design revisions until we get the desired look and feel for your project - so you know you'll get the website your business needs.
QA & Testing
Before delivering you a temporary link to preview the finished website, we will test and do quality assurance across all website browsers and devices. We'll make sure the website looks great on every screen size, images are optimised, text is spell-checked and much more. We'll also carry out technical SEO so your site is optimised for Google and all search engines.
Once we're happy, we'll send you a temporary link to the finished website. You can review it and, if there's anything you want changing, we can action it before going live. Once we're both happy, we then connect the site to your business domain. If you haven't purchased a URL yet, we can help you do so. Either way, we'll have your new website up and running.

The fluiditi standard


We're extremely conscious of building performant, lightweight, efficient websites that load quickly and reliably.


A website is usually an online storefront. All our websites are built with your end goals in mind, increasing conversion rates.


All websites are hosted using industry best practice. AWS, Docker and Kubernetes ensure your website will be safe and reliable.


Our websites can support scaling from startup to enterprise. If your business booms, your website won't let you down.


Need help? Just have a question about the project? We're always on hand to provide honest and clear communication.


We don't believe in tying customers in to long-term contracts. Just pay for the website and we can transfer the hosting plan over.